
Friday, April 4, 2014

Bisnis Aman Tanpa Modal di Internet

Yang namanya kata kata bisnis tanpa modal sangat menarik, sebenarnya semua bisnis memerlukan modal. Modal itu bisa berbentuk apa saja, bisa uang, tenaga, ide, dll. Bagaimana dengan Bisnis yang satu ini, Bisnis DropShipping, Bisnis ini bisa tanpa uang, modal kita ya itu dengan internet marketing saja. Mau Lebih jelas nya silahkan lihat bookmark saja di bawah ini

Belajar Drop Shipping Indonesia

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Increase your Quality Score

It is often said that content is king online, and when it comes to getting love from the Big G using Adwords, having quality content on your landing pages is no exception. But often times, the laziness often attributed with being a PPC affiliate gets the best of us, making building quality landing pages a royal pain in the ass.

Basically, the secret to a good quality score with Adwords follows many of the same best practices normally performed when optimizing a website for SEO. Using proper titles, descriptions, h1, h2, h3 tags, having a privacy policy, contact page, about page, and a disclaimer are just a few of the on page factors that can determine how Google evaluates your quality score.

But in terms of relevant content, there are a few shortcuts we can use when adding quality to our landing pages, or at least simulate the “appearance of quality” as far as the Google spiders are concerned. Warning: Now entering Blackhat PPC territory.

The best example is a real example, so I’m gonna break it down as simple as I can so that even the greenest of PPC n00bs can understand how to do this:

Skills required:
1) some basic html & css knowledge
2) a little php
3) a working brain

Let’s pretend that we are promoting an offer in the “online education” vertical. Our seed keywords, meaning our keywords that have the highest monthly search volumes will be keywords such as:

online education, distance education, online degree, online learning, etc.

What I’m about to show you can be done a number of different ways with a number of different sources, but for the sake of this example, I am going to use Wikipedia as my content source. Wikipedia is an enormous website, with many high page ranked articles often appearing in the top placements in the SERPs.

Here’s what you do:

1) Go to, search for one of your “seed” keywords. I’m going to search for “Distance Education“.

2) The resulting article that I found is a PR 6 (page rank 6), filled with unique keyword rich content based around the seed keyword “distance education”.

3) Using your mouse cursor, select and copy the entirety of the article, then paste the copied text into a new text file. I advise using notepad or something similar, and I would avoid using Microsoft Word at all costs as html code will also be copied, which you don’t want. We need the raw text.

4) Save this text file with the name of your seed keyword, giving it a .php file extension. In this case, I would save my text file as “distance-education.php”. Repeat the above steps for more of your seed keywords, saving each unique article as a separate PHP file.

5) To increase the relevance of the seed keyword in the eyes of the search engine spider, I’m going to add emphasis to the seed keyword “distance education” by bolding it each time it appears in the article. Open the article with your a text editor, or Dreamweaver if you have it.

Open the Find & Replace window. (CTRL+H is the keyboard shortcut for Find & Replace)

To quickly bold each found instance of “distance education”, I’ll do a find of “distance education” and replace it with distance education. Then save the file.

7) Upload this PHP file to a special directory on your web server dedicated to hosting “included” files. I’ll sometimes call this directory “data or inc”. It’s really up to you as long as you remember the path to where you’ve stored your files.

8 ) Now the trick here is to call the article using PHP so that the contents are dynamically “stuffed” into your landing page. To do this, open the landing page you plan to send traffic to with your html editor. Somewhere above the closing tag, call the article using the following code:

Again, in this example, if I were to call the “distance-education.php” file and the landing page I was using was this domain, I would do something like this:

9) At this point, unless we make some modifications to the the style sheet of our landing page, this article will be visible to our real users and the search engine spiders. But since we are simply stuffing content to get a little extra love from the search engines, we are going to hide the article content from our users using a few simple CSS mods.

First off, we need to define a class to be attributed to the dynamic code we are stuffing behind the scenes. A CSS class is defined either in an external style sheet, or on the existing html document.

Personally, I prefer to keep all of my CSS styles in an external style sheet for simplicity, and call the sheet in the head of my landing page. To do this, create a new file (again in notepad or Dreamweaver), and call it “style.css”.

Once we’ve made the necessary modifications to the style sheet, it can be called in the landing page by inserting the following code above the section of your document:

Inside our style.css file, insert the following code:

.img {
display: none;
visibility: hidden;

What this small snippet of CSS code does is create a class called “img” (meaning “image”), with both the display and visibility properties set to not show the contents of the class on the screen. By calling our class “.img”, we are in a subtle way disguising the real intention of the class.

You can name your class anything you want pretty much, but you need to be inconspicuous about it to not draw too much attention to the fact that you are stuffing other people’s content. For example, you wouldn’t name your class “.stuffedcontent” for obvious reasons.

An img class would be a common occurrence on any web page and probably wouldn’t draw too much attention to the casual Google editor. We want to fly under the radar as much as possible.

10) Now that we have created our style sheet with our hidden class, we need to wrap the call to the dynamic code with our class definition. To do this, simply wrap:

around the code. The end result should look something like this:

So there you have it; dynamic content stuffed based on the primary seed keyword to add relevant content to your landing pages that the spiders love, yet your real visitors can’t see. Once you’ve followed the above steps and uploaded all of your saved files to your server, simply visit your landing page and view its source code to verify that the content is being properly stuffed. (CTRL+U to view source)

Note: Your landing page file extension must end in “.php” for this to work. If you’re currently using the .html or .htm extensions, simply rename them to .php and reupload. There is a work around for this using .htaccess, but I won’t get into that here.

Also, there is a more advanced method that you can use to include stuffed content from URLs instead of static text files, but then you get into problems with caching, and could potentially slow your web server down considerably as it tries to pull real-time content based on your chosen URLs or keywords. There are also tools out there that automate this entire process, but if you’re on a budget, this strategy works just as well.

I regularly use the above process to stuff content for each of my primary keywords in a PPC campaign, giving me improved quality scores. I wouldn’t do this for each keyword of course, but maybe for 3-5 of my primary keywords, adding the unique calls to each article with the PHP include.

I block the /data directory with robots.txt. Its pretty easy to do.

Create a file called “robots.txt”
Add the following:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /data/

Then upload it to the root of your server.

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10 Hot Niche Ideas

If you want to start with niche marketing, but have no idea about which topic, you can swipe my hot niche list. Some of the niches of my Top Ten Niche List are around for a longer time, some are brand new, because the world develops and new niches come to life. If you jump on board at the beginning of the rise of a new niche, you will have a bigger chance to make money with it.

Top Ten Niche Swipe List

Panic attackHurricane proof houseUpgrade auto electrical systemRemove spyware / adwareTree house designBuild solar panels at homeHow to write a resumeRecipes to lower cholesterolStop snoringSalt water aquariumFiled under Niche Marketing, Online Money tip. Return to Online Money Tip. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0.

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How to earn Easy Money with Penny Stocks

Normally people promote penny stocks as being an easy way to earn cash. Of course the people (illegally) promoting these will make the most money. But here comes penny-stocks-with-a-twist: we know these people are scamming (usually) and we are going to use this knowledge in our advantage.
The penny stock scam
Penny stocks are what they are because the company behind the stock has got some problems. For now, we will focus on the firm having a large long term debt. If a company can’t pay it’s debts off longterm then it’s an outright scam, period.
To check if a company is a scam we look at the company’s balance sheet and calculate the debt-to-equity ratio. To calculate the company’s debt-to-equity ratio we will divide its total liabilities by its total shareholders equity. If the result is greater than 3 than that company most likely won’t be able to pay off its long-term debts.
Penny stock example
As an example we will take the penny stock COIN. You can view this company’s balance sheet at Yahoo Finance or any other financial service. As mentioned above: by dividing its total liabilities: 27,571,000 by total shareholders equity: 5,047,000 you get a result of 5. Since this is almost 200% above 3 they you can be sure that they won’t be able to pay off their longterm debt. So in our definition this company is a scam.
Lets take a look at COIN’s 2 year chart.

So what do we know about a penny stock scam? The scammers by the stock for cheap. Then the stock is hyped (Jan. 08 in the chart), so that a lot of investors will buy them and the price goes up dramatically. The scammers sell their stock at the top and make 100's to 1000's % of profit. All other investors sell too late and lose money.
The penny stock twist
And here comes our twist: we KNOW that this will hapen with scam penny stocks (of course there are also some serious penny stocks, that’s why we check the balance sheet, as mentioned above). Now we are going to short sell this stock! This means we are anticipating a price drop. Because we know this will happen!
We wait until the penny stock is pumped up 50%, 100%, or even 500% and short them at the right time to make a load of cash. There are 1000’s of penny stocks out there. So this method can be repeated again and again.
This is a short sellers dream and the best way to make money from penny stocks!
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The $ 11 Trillion Ponzi Scheme

Recently the world was hit by another major financial bubble, the $50 billion loss of investors money by Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. And everybody was amazed by the enormous amount of money that was inolved, and lost. Now I’d like to tell you about a $11 Trillion Ponzi Scheme.

By the way, a Ponzi scheme, being a socalled pyramid scheme, is defined by the wiki as:

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors out of the money paid by subsequent investors rather than from profit. The term, “Ponzi scheme,” is used primarily in the United States, while other English-speaking countries do not distinguish colloquially between this scheme and other pyramid schemes.

Now usually those investors are attracted by a high percentage of return. But here I’d like to focus on the main part of the definition: ‘returns … paid by subsequent investors rather than from profit’. With Madoff’s fraud an amazing 50 billion dollars puffed away in thin air.

Well, I’d like to tell you about a Ponzi scheme where almost 11 Trillion dollars will evaporate very, very soon. And the ultimate crook that is capable of such an outrageous, mindblowing, world destroying amount of throwaway money is called … (drumroll) … the United States of America!

Believe me, this isn’t a linkbait article, this is about information that you usually do not read about in regular media. Firstly let me point out that the debt of the USA is rising at an enormous ratio, especially the last few (do I hear Bush?) years. Although that may still sound familiar.

Here is a link to the Wiki article about the US national debt. But you’d better look at the graphs on this page, where you can see what happened since 2002: the debt has risen from 6 trillion to almost 11 trillion dollars (01082009). The actual, current amount can be seen at the national debt clock site.

Owners of the US National Debt

In the graph above you can see who owns which portion of the US national debt. There are a lot of small owners, 22.7% are foreign (international) owners and over 40% is owned by the Federal Reserve. Of course a debt should be backed up by reserves and or by profits. But the US have no ‘profits’. Almost every year there is a deficit, which means spending exceeds revenue. And so the US debt grows.

But hey, what about the Federal Reserve, I hear you say? The Federal Reserve is a banking system, with twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation acting as fiscal agents for the US Treasury. Now the US Treasury has assets (securities) in worth of 835 billion dollars. But. Over 80% of those securities are owned by foreign investors, i.e. that’s loaned money (bonds etc.). Those investors get a yearly return paid by the interest.

You see how my analogy of the 11 Trillion Ponzi Scheme fits into all of this? Eleven trillion dollars of US national debt are backed by 167 billion (835 – 80%) of direct securities. And no profits. And an ever growing ‘army’ of investors. The US needs to lend (print?) more and more money to pay those foreign investors their interest. And to pay the 60% of investors that own the US national debt their interest. And what would happen when those (foreign) investors want their full investment back? The total collapse of the US and the US dollar!

So why is the dollar still such a relatively strong currency? Well, the main reason is because crude oil is paid in US dollars. The whole world is backing up the dollar, because the whole world lives on crude oil. For their cars, for plastics, for paint and for a whole range of products made out of crude oil. And this is part of the technical details of the US Ponzi Scheme, which you can read about in this interesting article and this very interesting video about how this came to be.

Be amazed!

Filed under Make Money News, Online Money tip. Return to Online Money Tip. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Directory

we have new directory site.

u can post your url on this directory.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Internet & Online Business Scams Or How To Make An Easy Million!

There are many online business opportunities available on the internet and the majority of them are scams. There are some good internet businesses but it can be difficult for somebody looking for an online opportunity to ascertain the ones that work from the myriads of get rich quick schemes.
Do not be fooled by all the schemes that advertise get rich quick schemes with only a few hours of work each week. In reality an online business is just like every other business in that hard work, long hours, determination to succeed and perseverance are required.
Here are typical headlines that one sees when searching for an online business opportunity:
"I made $35,000 last week and I only worked 5 hours!" "Work Online from Home and make $20K a Month - 100% Proven & Guaranteed!" "Make $1,000,000 in 6 Months - The Easy Way!"
Do not be taken in by these headlines. If it was possible to make so much money so quickly and in such a short time would they actually reveal the secret to you for "Only $229"?
And why is that they only have limited opportunities available at this price? "BUY NOW" they scream as "THIS SECRET IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A SELECTED FEW!"
So how does one find the real gem from the millions of opportunities currently being advertised?
The following guidelines can help when checking out the business potential of any internet business:
Are real products being sold?
I am amazed at how many businesses purely make money by recruiting more people who recruit more people without any products being sold. Stay well clear of these types of businesses.
What is the market for the products and just as important the competition?
If the market is as large as it is claimed to be and if every man and his dog are selling the same products, you can bet your life that it will not work for you!
How many people are making money doing this business?
Is it possible to speak to them? You do not want to speak to somebody a million miles away who possesses lovely pictures of his Lear Jet and his fancy yacht! Is there somebody nearby who is running the business successfully?
Where are the headquarters?
It is a good idea to never buy a business where the headquarters are situated in a country where there are no clear business regulations in place. Better still only talk to businesses that are located in the same country as you! It is far easier to then sue the business for fraud if that is what actually happened.
If the people marketing the online opportunity do have the right answers for each of the above questions then it is now time to get expert advice from an experienced accountant who has knowledge of the internet.
Do not use a rookie who has just qualified from university but has no real business experience! If the (experienced) accountant agrees that it is a viable business opportunity then you have possibly found the right business opportunity.
It also makes sense to speak to other successful business people when evaluating any opportunity. If you do not know anybody, then blog about it on business forums like Ecademy and analyse the responses carefully.
It is possible to make a decent living if the right internet business is chosen followed by some serious effort and determination. Starting a new business is not for the faint hearted but can make more money long term than working for others.

About the Author
Naz Daud Internet Business Franchises and UK Business Directory Internet Business Franchise Opportunity
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